Heal Your Gut! Bone Broth Receipe

Bone broths, the richest source of collagen helps to rapidly repair leaky gut and improving overall immune function. Hence, inside the gut it tends to draw water molecules towards itself and that helps in easing bowel movements and keeping intestines lubricated. Collagen is one of the most commonly available protein in our body cells. It […]
Natural Brew for Migraine Help

Two major causes of migraines and headaches are constipation and lack of quality sleep/stress….the build up of toxins in the body lead to gasses that cause not just headaches and migraines but poor skin, hair, low immunity, weight gain, bloating, indigestion, fatigue and brain fog…for immediate relief from migraines, soak 4-5 black peppercorns in water […]
Ways to Incorporate More Greens Into Your Diet

The Word “Green Vegetable” always get mixed reaction. Come what may you will recognize this fact that either you will love them, or hate them but you cannot ignore them. Most green vegetable and food items like leafy vegetable grow above ground and move towards sun, which is a sign of energy, vitality. This means […]
Here’s what happens to your brain when you give up sugar

Anyone who knows me also knows that I have a huge sweet tooth. I always have. My friend and fellow graduate student Andrew is equally afflicted, and living in Hershey, Pennsylvania – the “Chocolate Capital of the World” – doesn’t help either of us. But Andrew is braver than I am. Last year, he gave […]