An Easy Way to Measure your Health

Alkalize For Health How alkaline your blood is, is an easy way to measure the level of your health. A healthy person has a blood pH of 7.365. Generally, a person who is terminal ill has a pH of around 5 or lower. What Are Alkaline, Acid And PH? Alkaline foods are foods that raise […]

How to go Chemical and Fragrance free!

The chemicals responsible for fragrances in the products you use daily – shampoo, lotion, make-up, dish detergent, fabric softener – are called ‘Phthalates’ (THALL-ates). Like BPA, phthalates are classified as an “obesogen” – a chemical capable of messing with your metabolism. Phthalate exposure is linked to weight gain, insulin resistance, infertility, and birth defects, among […]

Oil Pulling: What it is & Why It’s Beneficial

Oil pulling Oil Pulling is an age old Indian practice which originates from Ayurveda and which is about 3,000 years old. The process involves using a tablespoon of a good quality cold pressed or wet coconut oil. Many people also use sesame oil or olive oil. You put this oil on your mouth first thing […]

Natural Brew for Migraine Help

Two major causes of migraines and headaches are constipation and lack of quality sleep/stress….the build up of toxins in the body lead to gasses that cause not just headaches and migraines but poor skin, hair, low immunity, weight gain, bloating, indigestion, fatigue and brain fog…for immediate relief from migraines, soak 4-5 black peppercorns in water […]

Want to boost your memory and mood? Take a nap, but keep it short

We’re told to have power naps to keep us safe on the road and improve our alertness if we’ve had insufficient sleep. They even help our surgeons stay awake during long shifts. But siestas and nana naps can also leave us feeling groggy and lethargic. So are they healthy or harmful? First, let’s look at […]

Health Check: can I exercise while getting over a bug?

As we move into winter, the cold mornings, dark evenings and rain tend to bring out the best excuses to miss a session at the gym or run around the park. But if you’re feeling tired and run down, can exercise actually make you sick? And should you wait until you’ve completely recovered before putting […]